Oils have been used from old times for meditation and religious rituals. For many cultures the aromas were used as offerings for the gods. By meditating with essential oils we can achieve:
- Purify and prepare the meditation place.
- Ease our mind from everyday thoughts-
- Deepen and calm down breathing.
- Get mental clarity.
- Balance out chakras.
- Taking energy to the ground.
- Harmonize the energy of a group pf people.
Main essential oilsBasil: Used to heal headaches, migraine and mental fatigue.Angelica: To get contact with the divine.Bergamot: Elevated the spirit refreshes and relaxes. It is very useful for cases of depression, anxiety and tension.Cinnamon: Aphrodisiac and mental stimulator.Cedar: Sedative effect for stress.Cypress: Used in morning and other stages of change.Clove: Mental worn out and for quit smokingCommon juniper: acts over the mental, emotional and physical aspects.Eases in situation of confusion and tiredness.
Eucalyptus: Decongests the respiratory systemGeranium: Antidepressant that relaxes and reestablishes emotions.Ginger: Rheumatic and muscular pains, sexual and physical worn out.Lavender: effective sedative for insomnia problems. Helps to balance emotional states as hysterias, depressions, etc.Lemongrass: Used as a mental enhancer.Lemon: Mental enhancer, antiseptic, astringent and cicatrizing.Tangerine: Relaxer and sedative. Makes you feel happy.Marjoram: Improves states of loneliness and anxiety.Mint: Stimulates the brain and helps to clear up thoughts.Orange: Antidepressant and elevates the spirit.Pine: Nervous system stimulator. Gives energy and wellbeing.Rosemary: Stimulates memory, mental clarity and creative processes. It is a psychic protector and physical stimulator.Salvia: Relaxer. Harmonices sexuality and distends sexual energy.Thyme: Airway antiseptic; physical, mental and emotional energizer; and improves memory.Vetiver: Deep relaxer, balance group energy and can be used as aphrodisiac.Ylang-Ylang: antidepressant and sedative, acts over sexual difficulties, stress and anxiety. It is used in states of nervous tension, insomnia and hyperactivity.
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