A way to use the oil scents is though the smell, harmonizing the psychic, emotional and spiritual stages. The smell sense is related to our emotions for being directly connected to the brain where there is located the emotion center, as well as the space of many vital activities of your system as sleep, sensuality, thirst, memory, etc.
When something is smelled we are evocating our emotional memory, it can be related to our emotions. The limbic system, where the is the center of the emotions is related to the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that is communicated with the sexual glands.
The associative memory of aromas and situations generate getting the best of the oils for therapeutic use, given that the conscious records the aroma with the environment. Aromatherapy acts over the subtle levels, for this it can be used as vibration therapy, also helps with meditation, visualizations, concentration, affirmations and all the techniques destined to achieve inner balance and harmony.
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