December 16, 2006

Magical scents. Part IV

According to astrology, some herbs and plants have the following properties:
It is the strength of the bioenergetics impulse. It commands the superior process of thinking and mystics.

It represents decision capacity. It has subtle aromas that favor contact with the spirit.

– Red sandalwood

They are the energy of concretion and realization, material and spiritual advantages, victories and triumphs in every aspect.

They represent authority, hierarchy, norm, paternity, and jubilee.
They command blood and pleura (lungs).

– Anise
– Jasmine
– Salvia
– Vanilla
– Balm gentle

They are the authentic strength of inspiration, of contact with superior beings. They help you elevate above the material.

– Red saldalwood– Incense

To make a meditation exercise with any of the elements above-mentioned and in previous magical scents posts (I-II-III), we have to do it closing the eyes to feel deeply the aroma.
It is convenient to focus attention of the heartbeat and wish from this powerful center, that all we wish is the most convenient for our own evolution and for the others’. The, visualize yourself in that situation we are wishing to happen.

The inner forces that are synchronized with the stars wake up and harmonize through these practices. What happens in the human unconscious is in perfect synchrony with what happens in the universe. This way, we take conscious that heaven is not only above, but inside each of us.


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